Today I welcome my critique partner and friend, Laura Bower, to the blog to talk about one of the cutest books I’ve recently read: THE IMPOSTER.
This lovely book was illustrated by Kerisa Greene and published by Gnome Road Publishing in March 2024.
There is one thing Olive loves more than anything in the world. Mr. Snuggles. Cuddly. Reliable. Perfect. So when Olive loses him, her whole world turns upside down. Mr. Snuggles mysteriously turns up one day and Olive couldn’t be more excited. But… wait. He looks a little too clean, a little too fluffy, and a little too new. Will Olive find the real Mr. Snuggles or will she be stuck with this imposter forever?
Now on to our interview:
M. Laura, I’m so glad to have the chance to talk about your cute book. Can you tell us where did you get the idea for this story? Did something like this happen in your family or to you as a kid?
L. The idea for this story came from the relationship my kids have with their loveys. They each had one particularly special lovey and were all very attached (two of them still are). These loveys became family members over the years – coming with us on vacation, sitting at the dinner table, having birthday parties/celebrations thrown for them and getting the last snuggle/kiss of the night. So, when my kids lost/misplaced their loveys, it wasn’t a good scene. Meltdown central! They absolutely, positively, could not sleep without Puppy, Petunia Picklebottom or Nedburt for many years (which made for many a late night for my husband and I as we frantically searched around the house). The reaction Olive has when she can’t find Mr. Snuggles (Aghhhh, Nooooo! I Can’t Go On!) was a very familiar scene in our household. Luckily, most of the times we lost their loveys, we were able to get them back. Unfortunately, there were times when the lovey was gone…forever, and we had to bring in imposters. Our kids immediately knew (just like Olive) that the imposters weren’t the real deal, but over time (also like Olive), they learned to open their hearts and accept the imposter into their lives (and beds).
M. That is so sweet! I can really relate because both of my kids are still really close to their loveys too. When I read your book, I absolutely loved Mr. Snuggles. He’s super cute! Did you have any input in how the plushie in the book should look like? Were there any art notes in your manuscript?
L. I had some art notes in the manuscript, but not art notes regarding what Mr. Snuggles should look like. I wanted to leave that up to the amazing illustrator – Kerisa Greene. When I got the initial artwork it was such a fun surprise. I had been picturing Mr. Snuggles as a bunny, but I absolutely love what Kerisa came up with. Mr. Snuggles is not one particular animal (I think he looks like a cross between a bear and a squirrel). Kerisa wanted to keep it more open-ended so that more kids would be able to relate/see their own lovey in Mr. Snuggles. It was such a smart, creative choice and I am in love with Mr. Snuggles. I had plushes of Mr. Snuggles and The Imposter made and bring them with me to my events. The kids get a kick out of them and love spotting the differences between them (Mr. Snuggles has a torn bowtie, rip in his nose, less fur/more matted, etc.). I only had a few art notes in the version I submitted including “Olive finds the box The Imposter came in” and Olive tosses The Imposter aside when Mr. Snuggles is found.”
M. I’ve seen your plushies and they are SO adorable. I really want one and I’m sure the kids you’ve met must go crazy about them. Can you share how did you deliver a satisfying ending for the story? Did you know from the beginning how the story would end?
L. I toyed with a different option for the ending. Olive would not find the original Mr. Snuggles and just be happy with The Imposter, but I received feedback that the ending would be more complete/satisfying if the story came full circle (with Olive having Mr. Snuggles, losing Mr. Snuggles and then finding him again). This ending also provided a platform to add more heart into the story and really show how the relationship between Olive and The Imposter deepened over the course of the story. The story demonstrates to readers that the heart is capable of a lot of love, and just because something turns out differently than you expected it to or deviates from the original, it doesn’t mean it still can’t be great.
M. That’s such a good takeaway from this book! I love it! Laura, can you please tell us what was your path to publication for this book?
L. I was not agented when I sold The Imposter to Gnome Road Publishing. I had met Sandra Sutter at a SCBWI NY Conference (she had not yet started Gnome Road at that time). When I found out she was starting her own publishing company, I submitted to her right away. I am so happy I did because Sandra ended up acquiring THE IMPOSTER (Spring 2024) and EMILY SNOOK, THE WORLD’S SMALLEST COOK (Fall 2024). I am so fortunate to be part of the Gnome Road family. Sandra is so smart, professional, and kind and I have also loved getting to know my fellow “gnomies” who are putting such awesome stories into the world.
M. That’s such a wonderful experience, Laura! I’m so excited about your upcoming book too! Which leads me to ask…what else comes for you in the future?
L. My second picture book, EMILY SNOOK, THE WORLD’S SMALLEST COOK, (also with Gnome Road Publishing) comes out in October 2024. Emily, a five-year-old whiz in the kitchen, dreams of becoming an award-winning chef. With the encouragement of her favorite sous chef – her grandpa – she enters an international cooking competition, but quickly loses steam when one thing after another goes wrong. Emily fears she won’t be able to measure up to the competition, until she takes charge and uses her skills – and size – to her advantage.
I recently signed with the awesome Mary Cummings at Great River Literary, who has two of my stories out on submission right now. Fingers crossed! I have also been playing around with some chapter book, middle grade and YA ideas! I like to challenge myself and write in all different genres – verse, prose, fiction, non-fiction, lyrical/quiet stories, SEL, humorous/silly stories, etc. The world of kid lit is so exciting and there is so much to learn/explore!
M. Laura that is so inspiring! I didn’t know you write in such a variety of genres. I’m so excited for you and I can’t wait to hear more good news about your projects. I wish you the best always!
L. Thank you so much Mariana for having me on your blog!
Laura Bower lives in Westchester, NY with her husband, three kids and their loveys Puppy, Petunia and Nedburt, who have gone missing thousands of times over the years (most often right at bedtime). They have dealt with their fair share of imposters, but have figured out how to keep it real and all get along! When not reading or writing, Laura loves traveling to new places, live theatre/comedy shows, walking her dog Clover, and starting her morning with a strong cup of tea (necessary for the late night lovey searches). THE IMPOSTER is her debut picture book. Learn more about her at
Instagram: @laurabowerwrites/@PB_Soar24
Twitter/X: @laurabower79/@PB_Soar 24
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📸 Cover photo by Rachel Claire.