The last 2 months have been crazy for me, and I’m sorry I haven’t been able to share what has happened with my publication journey since Santiago’s Dinosaurios hit the shelves. It’s been quite an amazing ride, which I’m very thankful for but also we’ve been struggling with a lot of sickness at home (with flu and strep), which hasn’t been easy or fun. So, of course I have some posts that I still need to write and share regarding Santiago events, but today it’s a bittersweet day and I want to tell you about it.
Today Path2pub, the blog for which I wrote this past year, is going on an indefinite hiatus after a discussion all the contributors had in early December. You can learn more about the reason for this suspension on Path2pub blog.
It’s been a year since I became part of Path to Publication team, and it was a wonderful part of my 2022.
I enjoyed everything about it: meeting talented contributors, sharing my debut’s journey, interacting with readers plus all the learning that took place.
So today it’s hard to see Path2Pub go on hiatus. I will miss writing my posts and reading the ones of my friends, as well as answering questions from our dear readers and looking at the comment section for discussions. It’s been an amazing experience, I’m so grateful for this chance.
Path2pub has been a way of giving back to the writing community, while having fun, learning from the experiences of other writers, and growing as an author myself. I’m forever thankful and honored to have been invited to this project which made a difference in others. Thank you, Lucia!
I’m looking forward to the day Path2Pub will come back, but while that happens, I’m happy to know that what we’ve shared so far will remain out there, to help those who need to read our posts and to keep on impacting writers who are starting their own paths to publication.
Thanks Lucia for believing in me and thank you to all the amazing contributor ladies (Alex, Bri, Sarah, Reem, Amber and Demri) for the adventure we shared this year. All the best to you and to our readers too. Cheers Path2Pub! Thank you for everything!
I invite you to read our farewell post here and if you’d like to take a look at the wonderful content that was created during the year, you’ll be able to continue to access Path2pub.
Cover photo by vie-studio.